A reputable and experienced trainer, Guy has been immersed in the practice and teaching of solution-focused practice for many years. His courses are informative, interactive and vibrant, offering practical skills to practitioners that can be readily applied across a broad range of mental health settings.
— Ian Cartwright, Recovery Education Unit, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust.

Agency-based training

If your team or organisation is looking for solution-focused training, you have arrived at the right place.

I have been running training courses in solution-focused practice since 1999, to a wide range of agencies. Staff members who attend my training can expect the following outcomes from attending one of my programmes:

  • ability to apply solution-focused skills in their day-to-day practice

  • better outcomes for the people they work with

  • feeling refreshed and revitalised in their jobs

My programmes are effective in enabling skill development, efficient in their brevity, and will be tailored to the needs of your staff and agency.

Do get in touch if you would like to discuss your particular requirements. My contact details are below.

Who do I train?

This extract from my 2019 book about the approach indicates the range of agencies who have commissioned my training:

“The solution-focused approach can be used by anyone whose job involves talking with people in order to help them to move on in some way, to resolve problems or achieve goals, or make changes in their lives. The people who developed the approach were therapists, but therapy is only one activity of many that involves purposeful talking aimed at change.

Therefore, if you are a nurse, doctor, social worker, occupational therapist, teacher, counsellor, psychotherapist, mentor, psychologist, health visitor, coach, youth worker, management consultant, family support worker, substance misuse worker, young people’s advisor, residential worker, housing support worker, probation officer, youth justice worker, speech and language therapist, physiotherapist, teaching assistant, foster carer, complementary health practitioner, homelessness worker, peer supporter, social pedagogue, or in any other health, social care, educational, coaching or organisational development role, then this book is likely to be relevant to you. My apologies if I have missed anyone out, as what was guiding me in compiling that list was bringing to mind the various people who have attended my training courses in solution-focused practice in the past 20 years, and who have been able to make good use of the approach.”

If you want to know more about my training and what I can offer you, your team or your organisation, then please do get in touch.

Great session Guy – really well woven practice and video and reflection and time for questions and discussion. Thanks a lot!
— Principal Educational Psychologist and experienced solution-focused practitioner, who had commissioned the training.